The BKMC highly values its collaborations with various academic institutions located in Austria as well as on a global level. The collaborations range from research and studies to higher education opportunities. Our aim is to explore how research and activism for the Sustainable Development Goals can be linked together to accelerate action for the Agenda 2030. Our goal is to address education on a policy level with our partners at Mission 4.7, while at the same time providing opportunities for young change makers around the world.
What has happened?
Collaboration with Columbia University
Through our collaboration for Mission 4.7, together with the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, we bring together leaders from across the world to highlight the critical importance of quality education for all and of education for sustainable development.
Collaboration with Yonsei University
The Institute for Global Engagement & Empowerment (IGEE) was launched in 2017 at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea to contribute to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Under our co-chairs’ leadership we co-host an annual conference GEEF – Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum, which brings together individual and institutions from different nations who contribute to creating diverse and fruitful discussions and map pathways on how to engage and empower youth and women in the context of the SDGs.
Collaboration with University of Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux and the BKMC have developed a partnership since the Honoris Causa degree ceremony of Co-chair Ban Ki-moon in December 2018. As both organizations share a common vision of the challenges that the world is facing today, the BKMC has supported the online Bordeaux Summer School “African cities in 2030: multidisciplinary research to meet health, demographic, economic and political challenges”, and has planned a mentorship program for women in global health together with the European University Network ENLIGHT.
Collaboration with Enlight Network
As a part of our Global Citizen Mentorship Program and Global Citizen Scholarship Program, we engage with the Enlight Network which is a European University formed by nine comprehensive, research-intensive universities from nine European countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden). ENLIGHT aims to undertake a fundamental transformation of European higher education that empowers learners as globally engaged citizens with state-of-the-art knowledge, skills, and innovation potential to tackle major societal transitions and to promote equitable quality of life and sustainability.
Collaboration with UNESCO APCEIU
Based on an MoU signed in 2019, the BKMC is close partners with UNESCO APCEIU – Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO. Both Centres aim to promote global citizenship through education to achieve the SDGs and collaborate on the annual Global Citizenship Education Conference, online courses, workshops, and various other platforms to share their expertise and knowledge on GCED.
Collaboration with Climate Walkers
The idea for the “Climate Walkers” originated from one of the RAUN Research Programs with the BKMC, and quickly evolved into a project bringing together dedicated academics and activists, and other stakeholders from the academic field, NGOs, political and institutional bodies. Since its establishment, the BKMC has been part of the Knowledege Association Board, and serves in an advisory role on the SDGs to support the project’s work to get to the roots of regional climate change experiences.
Collaboration with RAUN
The RAUN Research Program is conducted by the Regional Academy on the United Nations and connects UN organizations and outstanding international Master and PhD students. The nine-month program envisages group policy research that should feed into practical application in the field. As an expert mentor, for the past three years the BKMC has provided the designated research group with consultations and guidance throughout the process.
Collaboration with Ghent Summer School
In 2021, the BKMC was partnering with Ghent University on their online Summer School Program. 10 stipends were given away to exceptional young people from Albania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa being interested in or working in the fields of gender equality, health and development. The program was split into the topics of “Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights” and “Health & Globalization”, covering all aspects of SDG 3 Good Health & Well-being.